May 22, 2009
The bulk of my Bollywood intake this summer has come via Youtube. While I'm eternally grateful for access to these movies FO' FREE, I've definitely been missing the clarity of picture and sound that accompanies the DVD experience. That being the case, I decided that it was time to take a trip to one of the local Hindi movie stores to rent me some take-home Indian visual goodness.

Fortunately, this desire to strike out into the unknown reaches of Laurel coincided nicely with a visit from Mizz Gypsy. We set out at about 2:30 with high spirits, plenty of catching up to do, and "fool-proof" directions from Google Maps. We were doing fabulously--until we got hung up with the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. Once we'd turned around, we got back on track--until we couldn't find Morris Drive. Once we got on Morris, we found out that we couldn't get on Lafayette due to a LOCKED GATE. We turned around, took a right, and landed on Lafayette.

4:00 o'clock rolls around and we're STILL driving up and down Route 1 or whatever trying to find ANYTHING that looks Indian. We've spent almost two hours on this venture and we can't find the address! Finally, we saw a sign that said Eastern Bazaar. Figuring that was as close as we were going to get, we pulled in. It appeared in the form of a quaint Indian supermarket. Crossing our fingers, we went inside with the tremulous hope that a video store would also be inside--

EUREKA! A video store in the corner! We rush to the back of the store, excited that we finally finally FINALLY found this place--until we saw the sign on the door:



The other employee said that whoever ran the store would probably be back after five. Why he couldn't have just gone in to check out my movie was beyond me.
After exploring the shopping center for 30 minutes, we called it quits. But, now that we know where it is [it ended up being super close], I am going to make this happen, dangit!
Alright, moving on from the Bollywood mishap...

Work is going pretty well. Everyone is really nice to me, and I'm becoming more comfortable in the retail environment. However, from time to time, funny things happen. For instance...

I've been trying to establish my "sales style" for the past couple of days. What I've been going for is a laid-back cool sort of thing, which shouldn't be too far off the mark, right? Well, this lady walks up to me...

Lady: "Excuse me, but do you have the second season of Heroes?"

Now, this was one of those awesome rare occasions when I could literally turn around, point right to where she needed to be, and look supremely intelligent. I was quite pleased with myself at this point. Too bad we had to keep talking...

Lady: "Is this the second season?"

Gwennifer: [Trying to be cool without seeming condescending] "Well, it's got a big number two on it, so that must be it!"

She looked at me with an incredulous glare, grabbed the box, blurted out an unthankful "Thank You", and headed to the register. I knew that it was going to sound bad as it was coming out of my mouth, yet I said it anyway. Needless to say, I'm going for a nicer rather than cooler approach these days.

More work stories as they become available!
posted by Gwennifer at 8:58 AM |


At 1:03 AM, Blogger Shelby said........
you are a wench. I'd never buy ANY season of Heroes from you. I'd never buy any season from anybody. Heart you! Watched Swades: We the People!!! monumentally fantastic!

At 6:43 AM, Blogger Abby said........
Tactlessness is wasted on the young.

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Abby said........
Oh, and by the way, I'm going to come to the mall, walk into your store, and ask you where F.Y.E. is.