July 8, 2009
As I've probably griped about on here before, the creative writing site I frequent has a few morons floating around its user pool. One of the recent broadsides I stumbled upon came in the form of a certain user saying that "grammar is pretentious".

Grammar: The system of rules by which words are formed and put together to make sentences.

That doesn't sound so pretentious to me. In fact, without grammar, could we even form sentences? Coherent thoughts? Without this rule set, wouldn't we all just be screaming nonsense syllables at each other in the hopes of communication?

No, of course not. We'd revert to throwing rocks at each other's heads in the hopes of dashing everyone's stupid brains out.

The fact is that the people that rail against grammar haven't eschewed it. Rather, they grew up with a basic rule set, then dumbed it down to a more "guttural" vernacular level to fit their lazy needs. They're like the people that pick and choose which doctrines in scripture they're going to heed. "Oh, I'll believe that God loves everyone, but not that He punishes them for sinning! God can't punish us if He loves us!"

What malarkey.

Alright, there's a bit of a difference there, but it just irks me when people take something completely constructive and good and dumb it down because they're too lazy--oh, excuse me, "sophisticated"--to follow commonly accepted practices. Fine. Let anarchy reign over your writing. Let the thoughts flow unhindered from your brain with no bridle or means of correcting your mistakes.

What you end up with is word salad that makes you sound like a single celled organism slithering across a keyboard.

OH, can I point out another pet peeve that I keep meaning to vent about? The difference between the words "accept" and "except" has been eradicated from the understanding of the people. No joke, I saw a sign at work in the back one day...


For whatever reason, I was having a bad day and decided that correcting this laughably incorrect sign was in order. The sign still hangs on the door of the manager's office with the "ex" crossed out and replaced by the proper "ac".

I suppose the point I'm making with this rather erratic post is that if you're stupid, then it's understandable that you have no concept of grammar. However, if you're pulling some sort of "rebel without a cause" thing by rejecting the rules of society, don't expect respect from the rest of us. Why should we listen to you if you refuse to form a proper sentence?
Ah, the furies of an English major left alone to read for far too long...
posted by Gwennifer at 11:52 AM |


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Ransom said........
Grammar is pretentious... and soon your vocabulary will consist of "scientifical terms".


Here, maybe this will suit your mood: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=1566

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
Did the sign vandalism take place at your job? If so, no wonder your resignation is "irreversible." :)

And why did you even pretend you were a theater major, when what you have always been is an English major at heart?

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Shelby said........
english majors are pretentious. Seriously, three of my besties are engmaj's. imagine how dumb I feel... ;)

PS grammar=my fourth bestie.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Mark Pennington said........
Top 40 Grammar Pet Peeves
If you are grammatically challenged, or let’s face it, a grammatical snob who will catch the grammatical error in the title of this blog, you owe it to yourself to check out these grammatical pet peeves and tips at Top 40 Grammar Pet Peeves