March 13, 2009
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

Two hundred keyboards [including mine] tapping their way into mediocrity. We're all wearing the same look: deep concentration on assignments none of us care to finish. The fact of the matter is that half of these monitors are filling avid minds with Friend Requests and New Wall Photos. Since when did friendship come on request? Have you ever seen a wall spontaneously produce photography?

Even though I have my earbuds in, I can still here the tapping. I put them in to drown out the noise, but I'm paranoid about bursting my eardrums. When the music is this soft, the purpose of putting it on in the first place is kind of defeated.

I look out the window. Sunshine. The deceptive kind that tells you it's alright to wear a t-shirt, but then neglects to mention the wintry blasts tumbling down the mountains. A glance at one of the scanty trees would have told you as much, but it's much easier blaming our favorite star.

I stand and prepare to leave, since I can't even remember why I'm in the library in the first place. As I leave the room, the tapping follows me. I think nothing of it until I reach the floor below.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. I've also started to develop a headache.

Maybe a trip to the bathroom would help, I suggest to myself.

Capital idea, I think sullenly. I begin to rub my temple as if I actually expect it to do something. I'm so focused on this senseless exercise that I don't even notice the startled expression of the girl leaving the bathroom as I enter it.

It's when I look in the mirror that I realize that there are hundreds of tiny woodpeckers boring holes into my skull.

*For the sake of those who couldn't figure it out, this was just some creative writing. I'm not emo or pulling some weird metaphor for some direly angsty experience I'm going through. This was just a quick bit of imaginative writing.
posted by Gwennifer at 12:07 AM |


At 12:36 AM, Blogger Ransom said........
You remind me of . Especially the stuff on, like, the second and third page.

At 12:49 AM, Blogger MoonyMoMo said........
Always ending in a twist. haha

And utah does so that all the time! I mean the whoe sun being misleading thing.

Very entertaining. =)

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Bonny said........
I did not expect that ending. Great! Did you write that for a class?

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Abby said........
Interesting. Veeeeeeeery interesting.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Kathy Busch said........
I didn't get it. I had to ask Dad to explain it. Nice ending! Yes, was that for a class?