February 15, 2009
You know, the more I see it, the more I'm convinced that He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not is less about love and perceptions and more about the deplorable condition we find ourselves in when dealing with the mentally ill.

Now, don't misunderstand me. If you've seen the movie [*spoiler alert*--ew, I've officially become a spoiler person], you know that Angelique has a few screws loose upstairs. However, the mentally ill I'm referring to are the people who find the answers to all their problems in pills. The ending does make a commentary about saying the right things for people to believe you're sane, followed by the scene with collage of pills, but the insistence upon medication was prevalent throughout the entire film. There were references made to people claiming to need pills, people refusing to take pills, people who preferred to be examined rather than follow instructions and take pills...

Perhaps I'm culturally unaware, but I thought the US was the only nation that was pill-crazy. I wasn't aware that it had spread to France, let alone Europe. Why have people because so hooked on pills? The people that don't need them are throwin' them back with cocktails, and the people that do need them have convinced themselves that they don't or are so hooked on them that it would be detrimental for them to wean themselves off them.

Now, let's look back through the history books for a second. If you believe in the Creation, that's 6,000 years of man; if you believe in Evolution, that's millions of years with as many generations on the Earth. Either way you slice it, the development of modern medicine is a very recent blip on the radar. If all these new wonder pills are the answer, how on Earth have we made it this far without wiping ourselves out?

Answer: the development of advanced modern medicine had to happen because we made ourselves sicker at the same time. If we compare the average lifespan of today back to some of Abraham's contemporaries, there's no contest. When people were dependent on the Earth and natural resources for their sustenance, they were healthy. Their biorhythms were regular. They put things into the body that were meant to be put into the body.

Today, that is simply not the case. Food and beverages are loaded with preservatives, chemicals, and flavorings that wreak havoc on the body because our bodies weren't designed to be taking in so many foreign substances. And then we come to pills! Methuselah didn't have pills and he lived for 900 years! I refuse to believe that our bodies are so different from the bodies of our ancestors that we need pills for everything under the sun.

Why not take a page from the books? Instead of chocking it up to the world being a more "dangerous place", why don't we look back on the dietary habits of the people who were living for hundreds of years? We don't need to rely more on the arm of man to keep pumping chemicals into us, we need to turn back to the Earth and fill ourselves with God's natural bounty. I'm by no means claiming to be perfect, since I have just as hard of a time fighting junk food as anyone else, but this movie really got me to thinking about the increasing dependence people around the world are developing for pills. Perhaps if we put better more natural things into our systems, we could discard the need for pills altogether.

Please don't take this as a diatribe against modern medicine. I've been listening to my mom [who's gone back to more natural foods and been much healthier because of it] and listening to trends in health in the media, and everything I've said just makes more sense.

I'm going to bed, I'm about to pass out. Check out this movie, it's way good [and not really about health...it's more of--a romantic thrillerish thing...yeah...].
posted by Gwennifer at 1:15 AM |


At 5:49 AM, Blogger Bonny said........
Amen, sister! Mom will love this post.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Ransom said........
Okay, first, I haven't actually seen the movie you're talking about.

Second, you're right: high-fructose corn syrup is evil. And I'm eating some as I type this.

Third-- becoming a strict raw-foodist is another good way to hurt yourself (please don't, not that I expect you to, but I do have a friend who tried).

Fourth, even if we take pre-Moses ages without a grain of salt, you've still got 3Ne28:2-3 suggesting that the age appointed unto man is seventy and two. Make of that what you will.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Abby said........
And in my own defense, there has been evidence of migraines--the only thing I take medication for--for thousands of years. Some of the first brain surgeries they suspect were to relieve people of the massive pain of migraines. Personally, I'd rather take a pill so I can take care of my kids than lie in bed all day moaning and throwing up as God intended.