February 9, 2009
The latest project: the script for our ward's spring sing. Surprisingly, it made me feel like a creative genius. Perhaps I'll post it later for the world to see? We'll see.

But, I have to say that the hardest part by FAR was rewriting the lyrics to "Popular" from Wicked for the preshow dealio. Oh man, have you ever listened to that song? It's insane! How anyone can sing it is beyond me--but, one of our boys will have to figure out how! Mwahahaha!

Ok, I have an essay to write. It's about Anne Bradstreet. Wooo.

'Night, all!
posted by Gwennifer at 8:36 PM |


At 10:15 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
That is a bombtastic song. I listened to it over and over when I got the "Wicked" soundtrack.