January 31, 2009
My whole love of theatre has been such a two-edged sword.

On the one hand, is there anything more glorious than when a show really comes together and brings pure joy to an audience?

On the other, getting ensconced in a world of lights and colors only to be dumped out into the humdrum of the everyday right after is a pretty painful pill to swallow sometimes. Why can't love come amidst a flurry of intensive song and dance? Why can't all my problems be punctuated by a swelling orchestral score? Why can't everyone get from point A to point B via tapdancing?

I really don't think that's too much to ask.

I've been missing the theatre lately. Not being educated in the theatre, just the place itself. I never enjoyed learning about it so much as just getting out there and doing it. An acting class can be insightful and instructive, but it doesn't compare to the thrill of stepping out on stage in front of a [semi]packed house. I realize that high school was a series of lucky breaks and that I really know very little about it, but I love it all the same.

The goal is to work in a local theatre this summer. While I would love to act, I somehow think that my "natural talent" simply isn't going to fly, so I'm shooting to do stagehandish things. It would be good to learn about the behind-the-scenes half, huh?

By the way, this is all stemming out of seeing "Thoroughly Modern Millie" last night. Since Grandma has been working on it for roughly a year, I've been receiving the singular pleasure of anticipation building for the same amount of time. On top of that, George [the director/my directing professor last semester] had plenty to say about it during the semester, so that got my brain all in a tizzy. I was very pleased upon seeing it that all the hype was well-founded, as the show proved to be excellent. Admittedly, it had a little trouble coming together in the beginning, but around 10 minutes in, things really came together.

Since then, I've been pining for my high school glory days [even if I was the only one that thought they were glorious] more than usual. I want to get involved in another production soon in some way, I just don't know how as of yet.

Alright, enough whining. I need to do homework...or just something productive. Blargh.
posted by Gwennifer at 6:05 PM |


At 9:03 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
Good for you--you should do it! Don't give up on your passion. I understand the pining for high school glory days. Whenever I would attend your tennis matches I would wax nostalgic myself.

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Ransom said........
Just doin' my part to make the world a better place.

Now, where'd point B go...

At 1:57 AM, Blogger Rachel Adventure said........
I could totally see you on a stage.... I fully expect to see you in a fantastic production upon my return.... As a welcoming home present. :)

PS via tapdancing is the best thing I've read in ages....