February 12, 2009
As I was just telling a friend in an email, I love being an English major because of all the fun reading, but I hate all the writing! It's arduous, it's rarely ever about something I care about, rewriting is infuriating--AKNAWVIONOWRUVGO!

$20 if anyone can pronounce the last word of the previous paragraph.

Anyway, I had a fun day yesterday. I was sick [that wasn't the fun part], so I didn't go to classes, but that gave me time to sleep in and catch up on some homework I had neglected. I spent most of the morning reading--

  1. The Birth-mark by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  2. The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe
  3. Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville

It was mad fun, I loved all three [even though the archaic language bothered me a tidge]. After that, I did some other homeworkish things, then practiced my chanter [I officially learned how to play all the doublings yesterday! Wooooo!], cleaned myself, watched American Idol, ate food, and played MAO! If you've ever been to girl's camp/been in a high school theatre company, you should know what Mao is.

For the past three nights, our dear friend Joe's-way [a fun phonetic spelling of his name in Italian] has come over to play Mao. It's essentially Uno, but with lots and lots of imaginary rules. Nadin, Becca, and I have become obsessed, but as perusual, Grandma will have nothing to do with it.

In weekend news, I'm going skiing tomorrow since I missed class yesterday. But, that aside, guess who's going to be lonely on Valentine's Day?

If you said Punxsutawney Phil, then you're correct. Happy Day of Togetherness in two days!

posted by Gwennifer at 1:53 PM |


At 4:37 PM, Blogger Abby said........
You were reading? I bet you would have had more fun drawing the end of mankind as we know it and putting it in the mail. Trust me.

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Rachel Adventure said........
Blasted. AGREED! I can't stand my 251 class anymore. Have you too had to endure discussions and arguments on hermeneutics, structuralism, deconstructionalism, with Freud swimming in there!? Since when do I have to write like this?

At 8:57 PM, Blogger MoonyMoMo said........
I wrote a 6 page paper today about a 12 line poem. If you ask me what the poem is about, I couldn't tell ya. Haha... ahh english major.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Bonny said........
Is this a bad sign--that only one semester into an English degree you hate the writing part? Too bad they don't have a degree that's strictly reading. Are there creative writing classes you can take? Because that's always way fun.