December 26, 2008
I'll tell you more about Christmas in a moment...

-Available: for a kickin’ good time!? YOU KNOW IT!…[yes, I’m single]
-Age: 19
-Annoyance: Being sick on Christmas :/
-Animal: As in favorite? Well, I’m totally into kangaroos--especially after seeing Australia!

-Beer: Is it supposed to smell like nail polish remover?
-Birthday: March 5th [only 3 months to think of what to give me!]
-Best Friends: No. I have no friends. Jay-slash-kay. If I have any, they know who they are.
-Best feeling in the world: That euphoric feeling that accompanies a Chipotle burrito.
-Best weather: Spontaneous warm rain that isn’t unpleasant to be caught in.
-Been on stage? Way more than you’d think considering how conservative and quiet I am.
-Believe in Magic? Like, Harry Potter? I wish, but alas, not so.
-Believe in God? Like it’s my job :]
-Believe in Santa? Do you believe in eight-legged purple unicorns on a cotton candy planet?

-Candy: Favorite or am I just being told “Candy.”? If the former, then Pocky. If the latter…
-Color: Again, favorite or just because? Assuming it’s the former, red and black.
-Chocolate/Vanilla: I prefer not to discriminate on the basis of race.
-Chinese/Mexican: Well…if you’d kindly look at the above question…
-Cake or pie: Pie. Pie always trumps Cake…unless we’re talking about music groups. Then Cake reigns supreme.
-Continent/Country to visit: Australia. It will happen some day.
-Cheese: Please? I…love…it…
-Climb trees? I’m not very good at it, but when have I ever said “No” to a challenge?

-Day or Night?: Depends on what’s happening. I tend to be more active at night--since I’m a raccoon.
-Dance in the rain?: As in, would I like to? NO, it’s cold!

-Eggs: As in, do I enjoy eating animal fetus? No, thank you.
-Eyes (yours): Hahaha, “Eyes (a stranger)”. Nice. Anyway, hazel.
-Everyone's got a(n): reason to be completing this survey--no, wait, that’s not true.
-Ever failed a class?: Nah. I’ve come kind of close-ish, but never totally failed.

-Full name: Genevieve Lorraine Busch
-Food: Do I like it? Do you like living? Sheesh, what a dumb question…

-Greatest Fears: The bathroom closet in our apartment, finding one of my roommates dead in said closet, the dark, panthers/demons/creepers that prowl in said darkness, getting my nose broken into my brain, losing control of the car and plowing into oncoming traffic, dropping a baby into a body of water/off of a tall place, breaking my cat’s back, mirrors…
-Gum: Gum is to me like smokes were to Lucille Ball.
-Get along with your parents?: Sure. We’re Besty McBestertons.
-Good luck charm: I’m so awesome, good luck charms carry me.

-Hair Color: Brown with BANGIN’ natural red highlights.
-Height: 5'6’’
-Happy: If you’re reading this, you have no reason to be unhappy. Therefore, I’m just dandy.
-Holiday: Probably Christmas--who doesn’t love Jesus, family, and presents all in one place?
-How do you want to die?: I used to have this weird idea that a full life deserves an exciting death, like being pushed off the top of a huge building, but then I stopped being 15. Now, I’m more college-minded: I’m going to die asleep in my bed.

-Ice Cream: The delicious kind. This generally means anything Coldstone has ever produced.
-Instrument: I can tinker a little on the piano, but I’m a guitar woman all the way.

-Jewelry: I went through this BERZERK bracelet phase in high school. Beadery remains my favorite form of adornment, with the occasional ring to augment my lovely hands.
-Job: Chipotle Renaissance Woman. Seriously, I do it all [almost].

-Kids: I know that everyone is so jazzed to see how insane my offspring will be.
-Kickboxing or Karate?: I prefer punch dancing.
-Keep a journal?: You’re reading it.

-Longest Car Ride: Probably to New York and back in a day--what is that, like 16 hours?
-Love: That’s a blanket statement if I’ve ever heard one. Try narrowing that down and getting back to me when you’ve made up your mind.
-Laughed so hard you cried: I’m sure it was something Grandma did inadvertently. She’s always making me die without meaning to.

-Milk flavor: Milk.
-Movies: Chuck out the English, stick on the subtitles, and I’m one happy girl.
-Motion sickness?: How do I feel about it? Outraged. We should abolish it.
-McD’s or BK: Shoot, Burger King for the win.

-Number of Siblings: Two--Bonstance and Snootch!
-Number of Piercings: Wouldn’t you like to know? ;p [Sheesh, just earrings--one pair!]
-Number: As in favorite? It’s been 5 for a long time.

-One wish: To have a Jungle-2-Jungle moment where I’m on top of some huge rock and I scream as loud as I can at the wilderness below me.

-Perfect Pizza: One that tastes good in my mouth.
-Pepsi/Coke: Pomegranate 7 Up, please and thank you.

-Quail: You were really stretching for Q’s weren’t you?

-Reason to cry: Probably not getting enough sleep the night before I presented my first scene for Directing class.
-Reality T.V.: AMURRICAN IDOL, YA’LL! Ew, I’ll never do that again, I swear.
-Radio Station: DC 101...too bad it only broadcasts in Maryland :/
-Roll your tongue in a circle: If you can’t, we have no business being friends.
-Ring size: Why would I know that?

-Song: Currently? Dam Dadi Do by Nightcore. In general, it changes about twice a week.
-Shoe size: Somewhere between 8 and 9.
-Salad Dressing: See the question about pizza.
- Sushi: If I can get it sans fish, I like it just fine.
-Skipped school: Never just for kicks. There’s always a reason [even if it is lame].
-Slept outside: Only ever at YW camp. That’s not something I do on a whim.
-Skinny dipped?: Even if I had, why on Earth would I put that on the Internet?
-Sing well?: My showerhead thinks so.
-In the shower?: See above, foo’!
-Strawberries/Blueberries: Random?! Both are graaand.

-Time for bed: …HAHAHAHAHA! Actually, before two is generally my limit--at school.
-Thunderstorms: They’re ok. I don’t feel particularly strong one way or the other.

-Unpredictable: Pumpernickel. Did you see that coming? Neither did I.

-Vacation spot: A spot where I’m on vacation. Oh, you meant more specific? Deep Creek Lake, Maryland :D

-Weakness: See my greatest fears list.
-Which of your friends acts the most like you?: I see little pieces of myself in all my friends. The one that acts the most like me? Me.
-Who makes you laugh the most: My roommates--without even meaning to.
-Worst feeling: When I realize a second too late that I’ve said something that was really rude.
-Wanted to be a model?: Maybe an alligator model, but that’s about it.
-Where do we go when we die?: Well, there are things kingdoms of Glory…
-Worst Weather?: Cold. Anything cold = horrible.

-X-Rays: Again, you were really stretching for X’s. huh?

-Year it is now: 2008--but only for five more days!
-Yellow: That’s correct. Yellow.

-Zoo animal: I’m more of an aquarium person. I love me some dolphins :D

1. Slept in a bed beside you?: Hahahaha, probably Grandma XD
2. You went to the mall with?: Hm…great question. It was probably Daniel…? No clue.
3. You went to dinner with?: Mi familia!
4. You talked to on the phone?: Mah motha.
5. Made you laugh?: Daniel--just because he’s great.
6. Hugged you?: See #4.
7. Said they loved you?: Myself :p
8. Held your hand?: …see #7...
9. Spoke with?: …see #7...
10. You cried over?: I DON’T BELIEVE IN TEARS!

By in a moment, I meant in another post, since this one took about four eons to fill out...
posted by Gwennifer at 1:18 PM |


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Becca said........
I was sick on Christmas too!!! I still am...I slept all day and watched like 5 hours of TV.

PS I'm fairly certain I'm the last person (not yourself) who held your hand...just saying haha

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
That was the most thorough survey I have ever seen. Good job!

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Abby said........
Holy crap that was long.

So you're saying one of your biggest fears is that you just might drop a baby into a body of water/off of a tall place? Remind me to never call you for babysitting again, you little psychopath.