January 18, 2009
Would you like to know why? I'll tell you why. The other day, I was taking a look at my delusional friend's blog when I saw that she'd created a quiz about her blog [you know, to see if people were keeping up with her life...or something like that]. Actually, she was recently published in a blogging book [compiled for a charity] and decided to give away a free copy to anyone who could answer the most questions correctly on a rather obscure quiz. Not being able to resist free goodness, I did the research in her blog and completed the quiz. I'm still awaiting to hear whether or not I've won the free book. Let me tell you, the anticipation is making me sweat like a warthog in the dry season of the Kalahari.

Anyway, while waiting out to hear the most felicitous of news, I decided that I wanted to put together a quiz about my blog for all of you kids to take. Mind you, my friends has blogged for longer than I have and with greater frequency, so finding the answers to my questions should be a great deal easier. But, that being said, the prize for the person with the most correct answers after taking my quiz will be slightly less awesome. But awesome it will be nonetheless, for I shall award to the winner a drawing--A HAND DRAWING OF WHATEVER THEY DESIRE TO HAVE A HAND DRAWING OF! It matters not where on our globe you live, for I shall mail this most excellent of hand drawings to you should you prevail!

Now, to any soul brave [or bored] enough, let the quiz begin!

1. What was so delicious that my 16 year-old self could taste it?
2. What do I think of my parents?
3. What do I specifically not like about summer vacations?
4. Who was the catalyst for my love affair with Playlist.com?
5. What is my culinary claim to [imaginary] fame?
6. What pop culture icon did I think I resembled during my wisdom teeth week?
7. What's the longest car ride I've ever taken?
8. What is my least favorite color?
9. What nightmare was induced by my voting anxiety?
10. What commonplace medical practice confused me greatly when I visited the last visited the doctor?

You may research in my past blog entries, so no worries. You could leave your answers in a comment, but that would just ruin the fun for everyone, so why don't you email me your answers instead? Upon selecting a winner, the details of your personalized masterpiece shall be discussed from there.

Now, off with you! Whether or not anyone does this is immaterial--I just wanted to see if anyone would take the bait! Enjoy!
posted by Gwennifer at 1:02 AM |


At 11:26 AM, Blogger Bonny said........
I really hope you win Abby's book so that I can read it when you come home next. Because, of course, as Abby mentioned about her readers, I'm too cheap and lazy to obtain one myself. Hope those frantic anticipation sweats let up soon. Otherwise you might not get asked out much this semester.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Kathy Busch said........
I love you sweetie, but not enough to do the research. :) So sorry. It's not personal though: I wouldn't take the time to do that type of research on anyone's blog. A thought: would you consider enlarging the print on your blog? :) I would be more enticed to visit it if I didn't have to struggle to read it. Am I showing my age? Oh well . . . Love you!!!!!

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Abby said........
Blog-thievery is the sincerest form of flattery.

You answered all of the questions correctly, BTW, proving your marvelous researching skillz that you've acquired there at the BYU.

As for your quiz, when is the deadline for this? I need time.