December 16, 2008
This, dear readers, is the result of not realizing the consequences of putting cheap gloves in the dryer--on an extra cycle, no less! I now have baby gloves. Good thing I know when to chuckle at myself, right?

Anyway, on the way to switch this slightly doomed load of laundry into the dryer, Nadin and I heard this startling CRASH! Considering the lateness of the hour [it being around midnight at the time], we both didn't really know what to expect as we approached the source of the noise.

What had caused said crash had been a collision between a red Jeep-like vehicle and a stop sign. The car, no doubt being driven by freshmen boys, sped off in the opposite direction. I figured they'd do the right thing and notify the campus police...but I really needed something to spice up the night, so I went ahead and called.

I had no intention of getting the perpetrators into trouble, but I had to answer the nice officer's questions of the make of the car. I was too far away to get the numbers on the plates, but I gave a vague description of what the thing may have looked liked. Either way, there's a new stop sign up today!

Now, a parting note about the glove...IT STILL FITS!

P.S. If anyone is still keeping track of my last post, there are still two left unsolved!

posted by Gwennifer at 5:46 PM |


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Abby said........
Three left unsolved. BYU isn't big into math I take it.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
Are you sure your hand didn't just have a freakish growth spurt? The glove looks normal-sized to me.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger nadejla said........
Oh what would we do withough manmade/synthetic fibers. I could solve the missing ones (if I used IMDB) =D I'm sure I looked them up, realized that I wouldn't have guessed them and forgot what was the real answer :D