December 7, 2008

Sweet deal.

Since I needed a change from the current update, but there's not too much I feel like expounding upon at present--oh, wait, I'll get to that in a second, I do have a couple of things!

Yesterday, I hiked the Y for the second time in my life! Becca and I decided that it would be a fun and productive way to spend our Saturday morning, so we convinced Nadin that she wanted to drive us to the base of the mountain. Thinking she could take us as far the trail head, we made it to about 4 or 5 streets away from it when she stopped and said...

Nadin: "Here you go. Have fun!"
Genevieve: "Um...Nadin, the trailhead is little higher up."
Nadin: "Well, I can't make my car go any higher."
Genevieve: " want us to walk the rest of the way up?"
Nadin: "Have fun!"

Being good sports at 9:30 in the morning, Becca and I hopped out of the car, thanked our resident Mexican, and hiked up the unethically steep street. We were fit to die before we even reached the trail head. We eventually made it onto the trail itself--only to be tired out of our minds in the first 15 minutes. It got easier the higher we went, but I didn't know if I was going to make it past the first marker for the first little while.

Part of what helped our courageous ascent was a couple that started after us, but were decisively ahead of us all the same. Spurred by imaginary competition, I pushed Becca to climb faster than she wanted to, causing her to resent my ridiculousness just a tad more than she already does. It was getting pretty close towards the top, but then OUT OF NOWHERE comes this guy with his two dogs!


Not willing to be disgraced by a couple AND a man with dogs, we found the trail leading to the bottom of the Y instead of the top. Using this to our advantage, we made it to the Y first! It doesn't matter that it was the more easily accessible bottom portion, we still won the imaginary competition!

The rest of the day was fun as well. It was Grandma's birthday, so we made her Oreo balls and went to go see The Duchess [my vote was for Austrailia, but it wasn't my birthday]. While I'm not the biggest Keira Knightly fan in the world, it was a good movie. But, I have to say that the most exciting part was seeing the preview for Doubt, which comes out in like a week! It looks so tight!

After the movie, we went grocery shopping [since we're so responsible]. Then, my lovely roomies ate some food and went to see Muppet Christmas Carol while I stayed home, made curry, and watched He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not. As you might have noticed, it was a very movie-ful day.

Now, on to what I was going to do earlier. There's been this thing floating around Facebook for the past week or so where you write out 15 things about yourself that people probably don't know about you. I thought it sounded fun, so here I go!

1. I don't enjoy replicas of large animals. They make me really uncomfortable.
2. I have a ferocious fear of vomiting.
3. I usually eat at least two or three apples a day.
4. I abhor the color turquoise.
5. I think K-mart always smells like a dirty diaper.
6. I always [accidentally] cut my ankles when I shave.
7. I can eat lemon slices straight without wincing.
8. Answering the door is one of my greatest joys in life.
9. I really don't like the smell of old books.
10. I would rather be subjected to prolonged heat than cold. I hate being cold.
11. I've been able to put away Big Macs since the age of five.
12. While the other little girls in preschool played house, I used to pretend I was a Power Ranger.
13. I live for Harry Potter trivia.
14. Red and black are my favorite colors.
15. I once tried this chocolate that tasted the way an elephant smells. True story.

Wasn't that fun? Don't you feel so informed? If you have any desire to divulge some of your fun little less-knowns, go for it.
posted by Gwennifer at 1:01 PM |


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
That WAS fun to read. I knew some of those, but certainly not all. For example, the fear of animal replicas--I was not aware. Nor your hatred for turqoise (sp?). And the elephant chocolate, I had forgotten all about that. It elicited from me a hearty laugh. Good job for powering through to the Y and not letting those other in-shape losers show you up. :)