October 29, 2008
I'm sick today. Therefore, I've taken myself out of classes for the day so that I can give myself the chance to recover instead of playing a biological game of Chicken with my immune system. Try as I might, that's one fight I can never seem to win.

Anyway, I figured I could share my Jack-o'-Lantern with youz guyz, seeing as Halloween is all of two days away:

I know it's a little hard to read, but it does in fact say, "Vote!" I couldn't resist the irony of allowing this little baby to represent my stance this election year.

Funny story! Ok, so Becca, my roommate who was giving me so much grief about not voting, received her absentee ballot yesterday. In her vast excitement, she tore right into it, chattering merrily about voting Yes on Prop 8 and such. Then, after all was said and done, she sealed it and showed it to me proudly.

Me: So, who did you vote for President?

Becca: Haha, I--OH MY GOSH, I DIDN'T!

So, after all the nonsense I've been putting up with, she forgot to vote for our next President. That made my day on so many different levels.

In other news, my sinuses feel like they're about to implode on my face. Honestly, I was fine ALL DAY yesterday, but then at like 9 in the pea-ehm, KABLAM! HEY, GIRL, HEY, YOU'RE SICK!

Is there any justice in this world? Actually, yes. There is, in fact, a guy named Justice in my ward. True story.

Oh, I know! I can tell you guys about my Halloween costume! The original plan was going to be Static Cling [if you've seen that awful movie Penelope, you'll understand], but I wasn't exactly sold on it. After some pondering, I came up with the idea that I would be the Second Amendment:

  1. Cover my arms in "fur" [really just this old pillow I found at the DI]
  2. Make claws out of black duct tape or something.
  3. Shazam! I'm now "the right to bear arms"!

I know that there's a t-shirt out there with a picture, but I swear I came up with the idea first. Anyway, it'll be great.

Alright, I should probably get some homework done, since I'm not even in class. If I come up with anything else fantastic enough, you'll be the first to know.

posted by Gwennifer at 11:20 AM |


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Becca said........
I'm from California! Hello! Obama is going to take the state anyways! haha... besides i voted on all the important things...like prop 1 (high speed rail train in CA),4(an abortion issue),and 8 (mawage)
Feel better! I'm so excited for your bear arms!!!

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
Definitely take a picture of the bear arms. Great idea. Reminds me of the year I stuck plastic knives in breakfast food and was a cereal killer. Good times. And still, boo to the voting abstinence. Come on, cave to the peer pressure.