October 2, 2008
After being on campus for roughly 12 hours, I come home to find Grandma, Becca, and Nadin watching a game show called

Essentially, teams of three players must bend themselves into the shapes of holes in walls hurtling towards them. If they make the proper shape, the wall will go right around them, thus earning them points. However, should they bend themselves improperly, they get pushed into a pool of water, thus earning no points. Here's my impression of such Cirque de Soleil contortionism:

In case you were wondering, this was, in fact, a Japanese game show first.

So, in other news, this has been a REALLY long week. However, on the plus side, tomorrow is the beginning of Conference weekend and that means FUN FUN FUN! Srsly! I'm sure that I'll have plenty to report on that subject come Sunday night.

Until then, I'd like you to enjoy a video that I coerced my roommate into making with me at around 11 last night. It was for my Spanish class this morning:

posted by Gwennifer at 10:30 PM |


At 1:17 AM, Blogger do.the.wave said........
I've watched that Japanese gameshow!!! They have an American one now?!?!

And why were you on campus for TWELVE HOURS?!?!? Gwoss.

At 2:29 AM, Blogger nadejla said........
Oh gosh. the video.

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Kathy Busch said........
Very cute song! I have promised my children that I will check each of their blogs once a week. Love you!!!!!

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Abby said........
Nice gee-tar playing. And what's with the box-for-a-face?