October 13, 2008
but reading Kelly's blog always makes me want to update mine. Could it be the fact that she always has sweet-action jams on hers? Maybe.

Anyway, not a whole lot goin' down in G-funk Town as of late. I took two tests today--DOS. My first one was this super vague test in Student Development about like...reading and such. Whooo.

THEN, I had my Directing midterm. It was really frustrating, since I figured out what the play I was examining was actually about when I had finished like 75% of the darn thing. DANGIT.


Ok, none of this is very substantial...let's see...I suppose I can ramble about the disastrous Utah weather I seemed to have forgotten about during my recuperatory hiatus in Maryland.

Let me explain. In nature, there are generally four states of growth/foligic recession known as Seasons. In normal [and by normal, I mean awesome] places such as Maryland, all four seasons can be properly identified and experienced very easily by even the smallest child.

There's the moistening of small frogs known as Spring,

The widening of generally creepy travelers known as Summer,

The summoning of the Arctic Wolf known as Autumn,

And the celebrating of the birds which survived the onslaught of the Arctic Wolf known as Winter.

[Grandma thought I was high because I was laughing really hard when I found this picture. It's just one of those things that strikes me as unbelievably funny.]

Now, as I was saying, the most excellent of places are familiar with all four of these Seasons. However, there are some places that don't experience all of them. Utah is one of these dreaded places, a place where summer and winter constantly fight with one another because there are no segue seasons betwixt them! As one who didn't realize this before living here, I have to say that I'm somewhat confused as to why I sit in October getting all geared up for Autumn only to be met by that demon Winter.

For as humid and potentially miserable Maryland could be in the height of August, there's nothing quite so lovely as an Eastern Autumn. Seriously, I hate being so unceremoniously plunged into my least favorite season when all I wanted was some chilly evenings without snow :[

Alright, it looks like it's FHE time, so I'll call it quits for now. I hope you enjoyed my explanation of the Seasons, as it was excellent.

posted by Gwennifer at 4:40 PM |


At 10:07 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
Yea!!! So nice to hear you wax nostalgic about your home state. And cool new look!

At 11:17 PM, Blogger do.the.wave said........
You're fantastic:) My favorite is the moistened frogs. They must appreciate that.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger Becca said........
oh you love the bird in the snow sooo much!

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Abby said........