October 16, 2008
Alright, guys...this might be the weirdest/scariest dream I've had in about a week. For some reason, I've been having a lot of dreams where I'm either being chased by something [I'm avoiding some situation that I can't put my finger on] or I'm just really scared in general. However, this was the scariest one of the week.

This all stemmed from three things that happened during the day on Wednesday:
  1. Becca and I having an argument about why I'm not voting
  2. Rehearsing my scene for 336 about a boy who wants a rifle from his parents
  3. Watching The Prince of Egypt

Ok, now, see if you can make sense of this using these circumstances...

In the dream, a group of people that I'm a part of is running from something yet again. This time, it's the


Now, I have no idea how I came to know that this thing was the representative of Democracy, but it was literally a bronze eagle--WITH METAL FEATHERS--which was chasing us in order to pull out our eyes. I don't think any of us actually fell victim to this vicious eagle and I don't even know if I recognized any of the people in the group, but I just remember being super scared of this thing.

Then, out of nowhere, my Dad showed up toting a rifle. He turned to me and said, "Alright, enough is enough." At this point, he aimed said rifle at the eagle and fired three harpoons at the beast, striking it dead on. Once the harpoons had struck the Harbinger of Blindness, it turned into a hieroglyph and fell out of the sky. I was so elated, I got to watch it happen all over again in slow motion.

After telling Grandma, Becca, and Nadin about my dream, they think that it means I have to vote, since the eagle will only leave me alone if I do. On the contrary, I think that this is a resounding NO from the Lord, since that eagle was TERRIFYING!

Regardless of the meaning, maybe I should stop eating dinner so late :[

posted by Gwennifer at 10:49 PM |


At 11:25 PM, Blogger Becca said........
Maybe the bronze eagle of democracy means you have to vote, and your dad shooting it with a harpoon is you talking to your dad about what you should do about said voting. I always talk to my dad about political things, and he always has an answer to my dilemma. Try it!

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Bonny said........
Um, yikes. Why aren't you voting? And I'm sure Dad would love that dream...

At 7:38 AM, Blogger Abby said........
Are you that conflicted over who to vote for? I'm thinking the dream is telling you to blindly vote for the first person your finger touches in the voting booth.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger do.the.wave said........
You should never stop eating dinner so late if this is what your mind does to you.