September 11, 2008
That means I'll finally have time to do LAUNDRY! HECK YEAH.

You know your life has come to somewhat of a standstill when this is the highlight of the week. Clean socks and underwear are simply the keys to my heart.

But, yeah, so I just took a quiz online for my New Testament class. Now, in said class, the professor told us multiple times that the gospel of John begins in the PRE-EXISTANCE. So, when the question came up on the quiz, I was only too quick to punch that in as my answer. But, lo and behold, when I get my results back, what should greet me on question #2 but a big fat "LOOK WHO DOESN'T KNOW THE BIBLE! WHAT KIND OF JACK MORMON ARE YOU?!"

Well, not quite so eloquently, but it said I should reread John chapter one. The way I figure this happened was either the teacher has NO IDEA what she's teaching [not likely...well, not very likely] or she thought she'd pull a fast one on us because she's the one making up the quizzes. The possibility that I'm wrong in this situation is simply not an option.

Ugh, that bothers me. Let's move on to something else. Oh, idea! Let's talk about something I like to call GRANDMA'S NIGHTLY PHONE-A-THONS.

Over the summer, Grandma went back home and got herself a boyfriend. Now, I condone boyfriends heartily, what with the whole "multiply and replenish the earth" hovering above our heads. Unfortunately for poor Grandma's breaking heart, she had to leave Boyfriend at home when she came back to big bad BYU. So, in order to keep this LDR from tumbling onto the rocks faster than a styrofoam boulder with an inexplicable love of a whip-totting Harrison Ford, they talk on the phone every night...for at least TWO HOURS. Since she coops herself up in her room for these exchanges, it's not as if this encroaches on my life in any way. The only problem I have with this arrangement is...

Gwennifer: [Thinking to herself] Boy, I haven't seen Grandma all day! I sure hope she had a great day at school! Why don't I go ask her about it!? [Knocks on her door innocently]

Grandma: WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Gwennifer: [Heartbroken] I just how your day was...I think I'll just go cry instead...

As you can see, my kindhearted gesture of friendship is met only by rage and "Misters before Sisters" syndrome. Such is the life of a single girl at BYU, the only place in contention with the RLDS settlement for the coveted "Most Marriages performed in a Day" award.

Well, as fun as this has been, I should run along. I have...well, some homework that needs finishing.

Take it easy, kiddos.

posted by Gwennifer at 2:54 PM |


At 7:23 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
That IS sad. Does Grandma read your blog? Maybe to make her jealous you should call the time man and talk to him for 2 hours. Or you could always call me. =)

At 7:19 AM, Blogger Abby said........
Or tell her to quit being a foul friend.

And you should definitely bring up the quiz question with the teacher and make her explain how your answer is wrong based upon what she's been telling you all along. If you don't do it I'll have to make a call all the way from here in my house and neither of us wants that.