Background: A parish-hopping priest, Father Flynn wishes to bring the rather Dark Ages-esque Saint Nicholas' Church School to a happier friendlier place with regard to student-teacher relations. Regardless of what you're thinking I meant by that statement, I simply mean that he wants there to be less fear of authority [more specifically, Sister Aloysius] and more openness. However, as perusual when you get friendly priests involved, doubt begins to creep into the hearts of a couple of nuns regarding Father Flynn's actions. So, is he a paternal priest or a low-Christology creeper? You decide!
Special Powers: Persuasive oration--that man can PREACH from the puplit. Rosary whip. Slam dunking--he doubles as a basketball coach. Oh, and lying.
Weaknesses: After-hours drinking with other priests. Making fun of nuns. Oh, and lying.
Competitor #2: The Joker
Background: While no one is exactly sure why his face is so jacked-up, The Joker is certainly one that you'd think would be hard to miss in a crowd. Not so. This criminal mastermind works within a vast network of criminals under various guises, making him practically invisibile to the Gotham City Police Force. While he does a number of jobs to mess with the authorities and show his rather diabolical joketry, his main aim is to engage in a huge game of chicken with Batman: if Batman can't stop the Joker, thousands will die. But, if he does bring him down, he'll be destroying one of the greatest villians in history. You'd think that would be an easier choice to make...
Special Powers: He's a criminal mastermind, for starters. His methods of breaking the law are innovative and frightening. He's a master of disguise. Plus, he's a riot at parties...
Weaknesses: Fashion. Hygiene. Being a good citizen. He basically fails at all three.
The Battle: What I'm envisioning would happen would go something like this...
Flynn: My son, you've got to understand that a life of crime will not bring you lasting happiness. I'm sure we can convince you of the glory of God if you'd like to accompany the altar boys and me on a camping trip this weekend!
Joker: Well, Father [if you were my real father, I'd gut you like a fish for cutting up my face], a prance through the woods does sound rather tempting and all, but you see, I've got big plans for this city this weekend, and three days without crime in a city like this would be catastrophic. Plus, you kind of creep me out a little.
Flynn: Why on Earth would I, an upstanding yet progressive, man of God frighten you?
Joker: That sparkle in your eye when you mentioned the altar boys--
Flynn: What are you saying?! Have you been talking to anyone!? THERE IS A SYSTEM THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED, SIR! YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TALK TO ANYONE!
Joker: Who said I talked to anyone? It was written all over your face--speaking of which, you look like you could use a smile.
Flynn: You keep that away from me! I've done nothing wrong! You hear me?! ACCCCK!
At this point, Flynn would have a permanent smile on this face--because the Joker is just such a funny guy [if you haven't seen The Dark Knight, I'm not expounding on this any further]!
The Victor: The Joker, hands down. While both are villains, The Joker is straight up crazy. Father Flynn is a bad guy, but being part of Catholic hierarchy doesn't mean he could take down an entire city BY HIMSELF. Preacher boy wouldn't stand a chance.
That being said, I hope you save February 22nd for Oscar Night! I know I will--by the way, we will be hosting an Oscar party that night if you're interested in coming! Just email me and I can shoot you the details.
Special Powers: Garbage compaction. Killer treads on his "feet". Sweet action dance moves. His disposition gives him great influence over others.
Weaknesses: His reticence to harm other creatures might prevent him from using any of the attacks in his arsenal intentionally. However, he has been known to accidentally destroy EVERYTHING.
Competitor #1: All the toys in Andy's toy box [Toy Story]