January 29, 2010

Anyway, as my friend Richard pointed out, I've been extraordinarily absent from the Blogosphere as of late. This is due to heart-stoppingly large amounts of homework. I know, I know, what else is new? Surprisingly little, to be honest.

That being said, I'd like to pose a question that has been vexing me for some time.

Does anyone remember the One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater? I know the illustrations of him usually indicate that his body is purple, but the hyphen placement changes the whole meaning...

One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple-People Eater?


One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People-Eater?

Which is it? Seriously, is there a planet of purple people out there that this monster savagely eats on a regular basis? If so, why this planet? Are they tiny people? Can he pop them like french fries? Do they taste better than normal people? If so, what can we do as a race of people to taste better, thus reestablishing our superiority over these mysterious purple people?

Any and all input on the subject would set my mind at ease.

Now, before I go, I feel as if I should leave you with something else...hang out, it's coming to me...

Oh! Got it! This kid can't be older than six or seven, but he's the hottest tectonic dancer I've seen since I discovered tectonic dancing like a month ago.

posted by Gwennifer at 5:59 PM |


At 11:08 PM, Blogger Becca said........
Ahhhh! That kid is probably the coolest thing I've ever seen!!!

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Abby said........
That kid is awesome! Also, love the chicken-cat.

My opinion is that folks on other planets wouldn't be called "people." Only humans are called people. So the hyphen goes between people and eater, where it makes sense anyway. Abby out.

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Bonny said........
When have you ever seen "purple-people" hyphenated?

Silly question, goofball.