The Realm of the Pachyderm
With My By Myself
Name: Gwennifer
Home: Where I Am
About Me: Awesome
See my profile...
The Peeps I Follow...In A Non-Creepy Way
Deluge to the Grand
La Familia Busch
Mi Bujaroo Chevre
Lady Grapefruit
Husker Hottie
Car Magazine Poetry
Hatch's Biggest Fan
ASM of the Stars
Sarah's Dream Blog That I Sometimes Write In
Badlass the Chrrrl
Sista Smiff
June 2005
August 2005
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
November 2011
December 2011
January 2012
January 2014
April 2014
Previous entries
Haiku #86: Why I Speak Russian to My Cats
Are Mormons Christians?
Haiku #84: Sleep
Haiku #83: Armchair
Haiku #82: Innkeeper
Haiku #81: Gratitude
Haiku #80: Ukraine
Haiku #79: Where We Stood
Haiku #78: Hurricane
Haiku #77: Two Dollars
Designed By
Haiku #19: Martha
January 28, 2011
Martha said my blog
today should be about a
gurney. Yeah, she did.
I don't know too much
about gurneys. Should I though?
No—I'm not dead yet.
posted by Gwennifer at 2:19 PM
Haiku #18: Compliments
January 26, 2011
To compliment boys
is a good idea because
they can be nice back.
No one get freaked out.
There's not
I'm thinking of.
I just observe things.
posted by Gwennifer at 12:39 AM
Haiku #17: Bananagrams
January 24, 2011
The tiles come in
a 'nana-shaped yellow bag.
It holds my heartbrain.
Like Scrabble, but fast
and no point competition.
You just win or lose.
I like my word games
because my mind is working
when I take a break.
Peter Pan
will be over in one week.
I will go skiing.
posted by Gwennifer at 1:02 AM
Haiku #16: Snuggle Sack
January 20, 2011
My pajamas are
mind-meltingly comfortable.
My brain is now soup.
They are just a bag
with holes for head, hands, and feet.
I'm a potato.
When I see the two
last words from the first stanzas,
I am spoon hunter.
posted by Gwennifer at 12:42 AM
Haiku #15: Zombies
January 17, 2011
I had a nightmare:
the Zombie Apocalypse.
posted by Gwennifer at 12:34 AM
Haiku #14: Scrabble
January 14, 2011
Words can never tell
why I love Scrabble so well.
Did you like that rhyme?
Describing my love
shouldn't be too hard--for I'm
a logophile, yo.
posted by Gwennifer at 2:46 PM
Haiku #13: Tired
January 13, 2011
Coming up on day
three of follow spot tech week.
Tired when awake.
Enjoying the semester.
I have all kinds of Scrabble.
Three dates to play soon!
I don't read Shakespeare
like anyone else in class.
I am smart? Stupid?
I wish my bagpipes
were already in my life.
One more semester.
posted by Gwennifer at 5:01 PM
Haiku #12: Socializing
January 10, 2011
I like to talk to
people. They like to talk to
me too. Funny, huh?
My apartment is
wicked popular. We try
awesomeness always.
In other news, new
is too cute.
Not even Danish!
posted by Gwennifer at 12:46 AM
Haiku #11: Cookies
January 9, 2011
I don't often want
cookies as badly as I
have all through this week.
I thought, "Perhaps I've
been impregnated by snow."
I don't think that works.
posted by Gwennifer at 1:12 AM
Haiku #10: Real Life
January 6, 2011
I was productive
this afternoon. I went to
the post office, and
I paid my rent, and
I paid the utilities,
and I directed.
I prefer to have
such full days so I can look
back and feel grown up.
posted by Gwennifer at 10:51 PM
Haiku #9: Last First Day
January 5, 2011
Walking past your building
brought more unhappy twinges
than I really want.
Otherwise, first day
was Shakespeare and Editing
I don't like being
so cold, but I do enjoy
the chills of learning.
Now, my contacts burn.
I'm taking them out lest my
eyes turn to jelly.
posted by Gwennifer at 12:52 AM
Haiku #8: Adios, Maryland
January 2, 2011
In twelve-ish hours,
I will have boarded a jet.
Provo awaits me.
This break has been hard,
but it will be worse to leave
my chucklemonkeys.
When I return from
Utah this time, I will have
my diploma. Snap.
posted by Gwennifer at 11:00 PM
Haiku #7: Almost Time
January 1, 2011
P-Town looms in sight.
I will go to Ikea--
wants a lamp.
Three days in the car.
Temples glitter in winter.
Sarah is married!
Almost twenty four
hours of sleep needed to
recoup what was lost.
Almost four hundred
dollars later, I think I
am ready for school.
Twenty eleven
will be a lot of good things
that twenty ten wasn't.
But twenty ten was
still important. It will be
remembered fondly.
posted by Gwennifer at 11:27 AM