November 5, 2010
No, it will not actually be a rant.

I merely wanted to say that my least favorite aspect of politics isn't corporate money lending, Senate corruption, inequality, the "separation" of Church and State, or any of the other wholesale labels people love to kick around during election time. My least favorite aspect of the political process is how personally incensed people my age get when their candidate doesn't win. Come on, guys. We know nothing about politics. You're just getting loud because this is the second (probably first) election you've been legally allowed to take part in. Try growing up a bit.

That, and because college age students are one of the least represented demographics in the polls, instead of channeling all your rage onto Facebook where you just look like one of those boisterous baboons I mentioned earlier, try doing something constructive like getting all your equally ignorant college age friends to the polls with you. Honestly, you don't have anything to complain about if you're not even proactive enough to try and enact a change for what you perceive to be "better".

Ok, so maybe this was a little bit of a rant. But, hey, at least it was short :]
posted by Gwennifer at 9:35 AM |